Breaking news

Monday, February 10, 2020

An estimated 200,000 cancer patients are exposed annually in Pakistan

An estimated 200,000 cancer patients are exposed annually in Pakistan

LAHORE: An estimated 200,000 cancer patients are exposed annually in Pakistan. Every third patient referring to government hospitals across the country is being diagnosed with cancer, according to the Oncology Society of Pakistan.

In one hospital, the diagnosis and treatment facilities are not available. It takes three months for the patient to undergo all tests, although he can be saved in the same period. Is.

According to the research, if one window diagnostics treatment facilities are available under one roof, 90% of patients can be saved and made healthy next life.

It is important to know that an estimated 200,000 cancer patients are exposed annually, of which one lakh turn out to be lacking due to timely diagnosis and treatment. According to the report, a new treatment system is being developed to make human life safer.

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