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Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Discovery of wreckage missing in Bermuda Triangle during World War I

Discovery of wreckage missing in Bermuda Triangle during World War I

The wreckage of a ship that disappeared 100 years ago in the Bermuda Triangle was recovered from the Florida Sea.

During the First World War, the American ship SS Cotopaxi disappeared in the Bermuda Triangle, with 32 people aboard, which, after much searching, was not known.

Archaeologists and divers have discovered the wreckage that disappeared in the Bermuda Triangle in 1925 from the ocean of St. Augustine, Florida.

The Bermuda Triangle is a typical part of the Atlantic Ocean in the United States, one corner of the area is connected to Bermuda, the other Puerto Rico and the third Melbourne, and the middle of these three corners is called the Bermuda Triangle or Triangle.

The Bermuda Tri-Angle is a faraway area within the sea where so many planes and boats and ships have disappeared and no headwinds have been found to date.

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